According to law, a nominee is a trustee and not the owner of the assets. In other words, he is only a caretaker of your assets. The nominee will only hold your asset as a trustee and will be legally bound to transfer it to the legal heirs. For most investments, a legal heir is entitled to the assets of the deceased. A legal heir will be the one whose is mentioned in the will. However, if a will is not made, then the legal heirs of the assets are decided according to the succession laws, where the structure is predefined on who gets how much.
"Nomination is the right to receive, will is the right to own except in case of equity shares where nomination prevails," Mashruwala added.
Below is the edited transcript of the interview
Q: What is the difference between a will and a nomination? What are the circumstances under which either should be used?
A: From simple man's language perspective, a nominee is somebody who receives the asset upon death of a person. However, the nominee cannot own it. Let me simplify that. Say, if a husband has nominated his mother in life insurance policy. Upon his death, the entire proceeds of life insurance will go to the mother, but the mother can't own it if a will has something contrary written. If the will says that a portion of or the entire asset should go to his wife and children then the mother will have to part with that.
Nomination, in simple language, is the right to receive. But a will shall decide who will eventually own the asset. In case there is no will then there is Indian Succession Act, Hindu Law, Mohemmadan Law etc. Summing up, nomination is the right to receive, will is the right to own except in case of equity shares where nomination prevails.
Q: If a person were to nominate for all his assets, would he then need a will?
A: If, for example, a person has said that he is nominating all his assets to his brother, but in a will, he writes something different or if there is no will then based on the Indian Succession Act, Hindu Law or Mohemmadan Law, the brother will receive all the assets but he will have to distribute it. If there is a will and it says that the entire asset will go to his brother, then the brother will own it. But if the will says anything contrary, the brother will probably more act as a trustee holding onto assets till the final will is out. If there is no will then the nominee will hold onto the assets and it becomes his.
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This series, brought to you by Yahoo! Finance, looks at which upgrades and downgrades make sense, and which ones investors should act on. Today, as earnings season gets under way in earnest, analysts are busy tweaking their price targets to track changes in earnings and guidance. We'll be taking a look at three such tweaks today, for popular stocks: SanDisk (NASDAQ: SNDK ) , Johnson & Johnson (NYSE: JNJ ) , and HollyFrontier (NYSE: HFC ) . Good news first Let's take these in order, beginning with SanDisk, which is up more than 2% today after reporting $1.06 per share in profits on $1.5 billion in revenues -- beating analyst estimates on both counts. Speaking of counts, the number of analysts upping their price targets on the stock had reached five at last count, with Needham & Co. leading the pack with a projection of $80 a share. That target is close to $20 above where the shares now trade, suggesting a potential 31% profit in the stock. But can investors realistically hope to capture those profits? Yes, it very well might. SanDisk turned in a truly magnificent quarter yesterday. Thanks to the beaucoup profits, the company's P/E ratio now stands just a hair below 21 -- versus the near-31 times earnings valuation still being shown on Yahoo! Finance's key statistics page. If the company succeeds in hitting the 28% annualized, long-term growth estimate that analysts have it pegged for, 21 times earnings is an absolute steal of a deal on this stock. Plus, with trailing free cash flow now clocking in at $940 million -- versus "only" $718 million in GAAP net earnings -- this stock's arguably even cheaper than it looks. Fact is, at a price-to-free cash flow ratio of less than 16 today, I think SanDisk will be a great bargain if the stock even posts growth in the upper teens over the next five years. If it gets into the 20-percent range, though, look out ... above! Paging Dr. Profit In contrast, I'm less enthused about Johnson & Johnson, the buy rating Argus Research is still assigning it, and the new $104 price target Argus has suggested. Don't get me wrong. Johnson & Johnson's report yesterday was fully as good as SanDisk's with revenues ($17.9 billion) and per-share profit ($1.32) both beating expectations. My objections to this stock center less on the success of the business, and more on the price that investors are being asked to pay to own a piece of that business. Simply put, Johnson & Johnson shares cost too much. Based on the most recent data the company has provided us (which does not include free cash flow data, tsk, tsk), Johnson & Johnson shares now trade for nearly 20 times earnings. That's quite a lot to pay for a company that few analysts see growing earnings at much more than a 6% annualized rate over the next five years. In fact, even Johnson & Johnson's generous 2.9% dividend yield isn't enough to entice me to buy these shares. As great a company it may be, Johnson & Johnson's stock price is a prescription for portfolio underperformance. And speaking of underperformance... One of the very few stocks getting hit with a reduction in price target today is oil refiner HollyFrontier. Over at Imperial Capital, analysts just cut $10 off their target price for Holly shares. (And Holly didn't even report earnings yesterday). The reason: As Motley Fool Blog network writer Sarfaraz Khan recently pointed out, a marked contraction in the difference in prices between West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil and that of Brent is putting the squeeze on refiners like Holly. In years past, these refiners have been able to buy WTI crude oil at steep discounts, refine them into gasoline and diesel, and sell them at prices more approaching to what other refiners had to charge after refining pricier Brent crude oil. Those days are coming to an end, and with them, the tailwind that's been boosting HollyFrontier's profits. As a result, the P/E at Holly that today sits below 5.0 is expected to spike sharply upwards next year, giving the stock a forward P/E ratio of nearly 8.5. Indeed, already, we can see foreshadowing of this effect on the company's cash flow statement, where free cash flow numbers for the past 12 months ($1.3 billion) are coming in about half-a-billion dollars below reported net income numbers ($1.8 billion). Mind you, despite cutting its price target on Holly, Imperial Capital isn't actually counseling selling. To the contrary, Imperial retains a buy rating on the stock, and the reason here is clear: Holly remains cheap, even if earnings falter a bit. The stock costs only 6.5 times free cash flow today, and the company is sitting on $1.2 billion in net cash (reducing its valuation even further). If earnings aren't going to grow much -- or don't grow at all -- over the next few years, at least the stock is cheap enough to "price in" that risk. Meanwhile, we know that growth will return... eventually. At this point, investors may just want to sit back, cash their 2.8% dividend checks, and wait out the slump. Fool contributor Rich Smith has no position in any stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool recommends Johnson & Johnson. The Motley Fool owns shares of Johnson & Johnson.
CBS (NYSE: CBS ) has done an impressive job of making its television network the No. 1-rated network, vaulting over its peers. As a result, CBS stock vaulted to all-time highs last month in what has been an impressive recovery since 2009's stock market lows, with the stock having given investors 15-bagger performance since then. CBS's prime-time ratings took a hit in the most recent week from the NBA Finals on Disney's ABC, but 38 weeks into the 2012-2013 Nielsen season, CBS leads its rival U.S. broadcast networks by a substantial margin, with ratings of 7.1 and a 12 share comparing favorably to ABC's 5.0 and eight, respectively, and even lower results for Comcast's NBC and News Corp.'s Fox. Let's take a closer look at how CBS has achieved this success, and what investors can expect from the stock going forward. What's under the CBS umbrella? CBS is best-known for its namesake U.S. broadcast network, but it has plenty of other businesses that it runs. The company also owns the CW Network as well as premium cable giant Showtime, in addition to having its own television production studios and an extensive sports presence that includes its own nascent sports network. An immense radio network diversifies CBS's media presence, and the company's Simon and Schuster publishing company adds books and other publications to the mix. Surprisingly, CBS also owns the third-largest billboard and outdoor-advertising business in the world. Lately, CBS has taken steps to refocus on its broadcast units. Earlier this year, CBS stock soared on news that CBS would spin off its billboard and outdoor advertising business, using the tax-favored real-estate investment trust structure to benefit shareholders. It also bought a 50% stake in the TV Guide Network in March, teaming up with Lionsgate to bolster its basic-cable offerings and obtain a new vehicle for CBS's various content brands. The costly world of television Yet, the big challenge that CBS and its peers continue to face is the rising cost of content. Working with Time Warner's Turner Broadcasting, CBS locked in a 14-year deal with the NCAA to broadcast the lucrative men's national basketball tournament, better known as March Madness, that will cost the companies $10.8 billion. With NBC, Fox, and ESPN, as well as other networks and broadcast outlets facing many of the same challenges with high-cost content, including the NFL and other popular sports leagues, the whole industry has recognized how important it is to offer viewers what they want to watch. CBS is doing its best not to pick favorites in the streaming world, arguing that it still has a strong relationship with Amazon rival Netflix (NASDAQ: NFLX ) . But with Netflix having recently lost 1,800 movies and television shows at the beginning of May as a result of expiring licensing deals, the streaming giant is sensitive to moves like CBS's that give its competitors any edge whatsoever, especially with desirable content. Still, new media threaten CBS's areas of traditional dominance. In news, for instance, the perception among younger viewers is that big-network news is slow and obsolete, with more people getting immediate news through social media and online sources. Alternatives to regular weekly viewing have also forced CBS to react in order to protect its traditional advertising revenue, while satellite and streaming radio has posed new competition for its radio network. Where the growth is Despite all these challenges, CBS has thus far managed to produce strong earnings growth. With earnings expected to rise almost 20% this year, and another 12% in 2014, the company is clearly making the most of its opportunities, and taking steps to control costs and other threats to its profitability.  CBS EPS Diluted TTM data by YCharts. As long as the company can successfully defend its traditional turf and find new growth opportunities, CBS stock has further room to run higher. With CBS's content potentially being its most valuable asset, investors should continue to see the positive impact of the network's efforts on CBS stock well into the future. CBS has benefited from the value of its content, but Netflix's opportunities in streaming media have proved incredibly valuable, as well. Can Netflix fend off burgeoning competition, and will its international growth aspirations really pay off? These are must-know issues for investors, which is why The Motley Fool has released a premium report on Netflix. Inside, you'll learn about the key opportunities and risks facing the company, as well as reasons to buy or sell the stock. The report includes a full year of updates to cover critical new developments, so make sure to click here and claim a copy today. Click here to add CBS to My Watchlist, which can find all of our Foolish analysis on it and all your other stocks.
Following what seemed to be a relentless upward march in stock prices, we may be witnessing a shift in sentiment and the start of a period in which prices get reacquainted with downward volatility. U.S. stocks fell 0.8% yesterday, and they opened lower this morning, with the S&P 500 (SNPINDEX: ^GSPC ) and the narrower, price-weighted Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJINDICES: ^DJI ) down 0.84% and 0.62%, respectively, at 10:05 a.m. EDT. Still, that's nothing compared to Japan's Nikkei 225, which fell 7.3% today! Hewlett-Packard beats the Street What a difference a quarter makes. Dow component Hewlett-Packard (NYSE: HPQ ) reported its quarterly results after yesterday's close, and investors seem to like what they see, sending the shares up 13% (in a market that is broadly declining, no less). Nonetheless, that HP's results should impress investors reflects the scale of the PC industry's predicament. Sure, operating profit of $0.87 per share beat Wall Street's consensus estimate of $0.81, but at $0.55 per share, net income fell by nearly a third. CEO Meg Whitman also told the Financial Times that PC revenue declined by a fifth year over year. The following graph shows HP's year-to-date total return relative to its closest peer, Dell, and the broad market (you can make out this morning's price spike at the very end of HP's graph):  HPQ Total Return Price data by YCharts. A 56% return looks like a stellar result, and investors may be tempted to jump onto this locomotive. However, it's worth remembering that HP shares started the year at an atrociously depressed valuation: On Jan. 1, they closed at just 4.3 times the next 12 months' earnings-per-share estimate. At yesterday's close, the multiple stood at six; that increase accounts for roughly three-quarters of the share price return over the same period. When a share's valuation has been crushed and there is massive uncertainty concerning the company's prospects, one can expect to witness substantial volatility in the price multiples subsequently. The latest results may be the start of a successful turnaround by Meg Whitman, but investors should be aware that betting on this remains a speculation, not an investment. The massive wave of mobile computing has done much to unseat the major players in the PC market, including venerable technology names like Hewlett-Packard. However, HP is rapidly shifting its strategy under the leadership of Whitman. But does this make HP one of the least-appreciated turnaround stories on the market, or is this a minor detour on its road to irrelevance? The Motley Fool's technology analyst details exactly what investors need to know about HP in our new premium research report. Just click here now to get your copy today.
NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- Next week will be slow in terms of economic data, but two items to watch out for is the personal income report and the durable orders results. TheStreet's Brittany Umar is with Chris Versace, a contributor to Real Money Pro, with further insight. Umar pointed out the lack of wage fluctuations in the monthly jobs reports. Versace said the two data points he really focuses on in the personal income report are disposable income and the savings rate. He elaborated, explaining that disposable income was the amount of money consumers had for spending on goods that they want. Disposable income will be an important metric at this time of year, heading into the end of the holiday season.
The savings rate simply implies how much money consumers will have available to spend in the future, he said. Turning to the durable orders report, Versace said he wanted to see if it would reinforce the strong ISM report we saw from November. He added that investors could remove certain data points, such as defense spending, to get a better feel for the overall economy. While next week will be pretty quiet due to the holidays, Versace suggested investors keep an eye out for any companies that try and sneak out a negative announcement, in the hopes that it will go unnoticed during a slow week of trading. -- Written by Bret Kenwell in Petoskey, Mich. Follow @BretKenwell Stock quotes in this article: SPY, DIA, QQQ, TLT
Earlier this month – when the Fed's QE taper plan was still a complete mystery – I published a technical analysis of the gold and silver market in which I showed key technical support levels at $1,200 and $18 respectively that I said needed to hold or a severe decline would ensue. The Fed's taper plan that was announced on Wednesday came as a surprise in many respects: it came earlier than many expected, the $10 billion per month QE reduction was less aggressive than many expected, and the heavier emphasis on forward Fed Funds rate guidance was more dovish than many expected. While global equity markets surged on the dovish implications of ZIRP for a longer than expected period of time, precious metals – which thrived on the Fed's money printing in recent years – did not join in on the festivities. Gold plunged today by $47.40 or 3.84% to $1187.50, while silver fell by $.84 or 4.18% to $19.22. In the past few hours, gold sliced right below the $1,200 support level that I showed earlier this month:  Source: Finviz Though silver took a hit, it's still above its $18 support, but it's a fast-moving market, so a break below this level can happen quickly:  Now that gold broke below its support level, another sharp decline – including what I call a "waterfall-style decline" – is looking increasingly likely. I suspect that another wave of selling may commence when the Asian precious metals trading session starts in a few hours from now (it's Thursday afternoon in New York as I write this). If I was planning to short gold, I would make sure that I have a stop-loss order in place to exit the trade in case gold manages to rise back above the $1,200 level, creating a bear trap. As I showed in my last gold and silver analysis, gold mining stocks experienced a serious technical breakdown in late-November, and I said that gold mining stocks have a tendency to lead the gold market. It looks like this indicator is on the verge of proving its worth once again, even though it is still early.  Source: If gold's technical breakdown fully plays out, the next support level (and thus price projection) is at $1,000, which is both the 2009 highs as well as a psychologically important round number, which matters a great deal in financial markets:  Why is gold dropping despite all of the central bank money printing in recent years? I have a very different take on this issue than most commentators: I believe that global central bank stimulus is creating what I call a Bubblecovery or a bubble-driven economic recovery that is fooling the whole world into becoming less fearful, which is reducing demand for gold as a safe-haven. I believe that the eventual ending of the Bubblecovery will cause another global economic crisis that will prove to be highly beneficial for gold, even though gold may have further downside in the meantime. As a reminder, if gold manages to break back above its $1,200 support level, I would no longer be inclined to hold a bearish short-term view on it. Please follow me on Twitter, Google+ and like my Facebook page to keep up with the latest bubble news and my related commentary. (Disclaimer: All information is provided for educational purposes only and should not be relied on for making any investment decisions.)
The implementation of a fully-operational oil pipeline in Fujairah, writes April Yee, of The National, provides more flexibility and an increase of storage space. A pipeline connecting a major oil products terminal with the Port of Fujairah is now operational, allowing the emirate to further expand its oil logistics industry. Last week, Vopak Horizon Fujairah inaugurated a set of pipelines that connect oil product storage tanks to extra berths at the port. That allows the joint venture of a Dutch company and Emirates National Oil Company to offload products onto 11 tankers at once, four more than by just using its on-site jetty. "This project was really for us to connect to the port to give us more flexibility to use the infrastructure in the port," said Yusr Hussain Sultan Al Junaidy, the chief executive of Horizon Terminals, the oil products storage company that Emirates National Oil Company owns. The pipeline connection is the latest development along Fujairah's rapidly-expanding coastline, where construction cranes and hard hats line a narrow stretch of land between the mountains and the sea. By the end of the year, Fujairah will be home to seven to eight million cubic feet of oil products storage, and is on track to reach nine to ten million cubic feet in the next three years, according to Captain Mousa Murad, the general manager of the Port of Fujairah. Part of that expansion is expected to be taken on by Vopak Horizon Fujairah, which has 2.1 million cubic feet of oil products storage capacity and is targeting a capacity expansion to four million cubic feet. That could include crude oil, said Cees De Greve, the general manager of Vopak Horizon Fujairah. The construction of the three-kilometer-long pipeline connection was the first project on the port's reclaimed land. The pipelines allow Vopak Horizon to load up tankers at the port with petroleum products and clean fuel. It also gives the company some breathing room when its own berths are out of commission; last week, two of the seven berths were out of service. Read more from The National here…
Rite Aid (NYSE: RAD ) will release its quarterly report on Thursday, and investors who bucked the popular consensus that the drugstore chain was doomed to failure have reaped the rewards this year, with shares rising nearly sixfold from this time a year ago. But the question remains whether Rite Aid can truly pose a long-term challenge to CVS Caremark (NYSE: CVS ) and Walgreen (NYSE: WAG ) , especially with the extensive debt that Rite Aid still has to address. Rite Aid has labored in the shadow of Walgreen and CVS for a long time, as its larger competitors have been better able to grow and boost their profitability because of their healthier balance sheets. Yet throughout 2013, Rite Aid has defied skeptics, making smart debt-refinancing moves and putting itself in position to earn what could become a sustainable profit going forward. But can the good times last, and if so, will Rite Aid ever grow large enough to mount a serious threat to Walgreen and CVS? Let's take an early look at what's been happening with Rite Aid over the past quarter and what we're likely to see in its report. Stats on Rite Aid Analyst EPS Estimate | $0.04 | Change From Year-Ago EPS | (43%) | Revenue Estimate | $6.32 billion | Change From Year-Ago Revenue | 1.3% | Earnings Beats in Past 4 Quarters | 3 | Source: Yahoo! Finance. Will Rite Aid earnings stay in the black this quarter? In recent months, analysts have gotten increasingly optimistic about Rite Aid earnings, boosting November-quarter estimates by a penny per share and adding about a dime per share to their full-year fiscal 2014 and 2015 projections. The stock has kept charging higher, rising another 62% since mid-September. Rite Aid kept its positive momentum into the beginning of the quarter, once again surprising investors by posting a profit in its August quarter. In particular, Rite Aid managed to boost its gross margins yet again during the quarter, this time by 1.4 percentage points to 28.9% as its cost of goods sold declined substantially. Even though Walgreen used discounting to try to bolster its own sales during the quarter, Rite Aid didn't allow its competitor's move to affect its own discipline. Moreover, Rite Aid's results were actually worse than they would have been but for a charge it took in order to refinance its debt at much more favorable interest rates. A boost to full-year earnings guidance helped send the stock up 23% in a single day. Rite Aid has benefited from the same macroeconomic factors that have helped CVS and Walgreen bolster their own growth recently. On one hand, a big move toward generic drugs after the extensive patent expirations in the past several years has helped Rite Aid cut its wholesale drug costs, helping to boost margins. At the same time, the advent of the Affordable Care Act has given drugstore chains a useful opportunity to set up in-store local health-care clinics, essentially fighting with doctors' offices to handle a hoped-for influx of new patients when they get insurance coverage. Another benefit for Rite Aid has been its loyalty program, which has encouraged repeat business. Such programs have helped drugstore chains and other retailers retain customers, and that's exceedingly important in the prescription segment, where having customers flee to other stores can be extremely costly. Walgreen found that out during its dispute with pharmacy benefits manager Express Scripts, and getting its former customers back from Rite Aid and CVS after the debacle proved to be a lengthy process. In the Rite Aid earnings report, watch to see whether the drugstore retailer is able to keep its margins moving in the right direction. With much further to go before it can get in the same league as CVS and Walgreen financially, Rite Aid could give shareholders more gains if it can continue to execute well and improve its balance sheet slowly but surely. Is Rite Aid the long-term solution to your portfolio needs? Rite Aid has done well this year, but there's a huge difference between a good stock and a stock that can truly make you rich. The Motley Fool's chief investment officer has selected his No. 1 stock for 2014, and it's one of those stocks that could make you rich. You can find out which stock it is in the special free report: "The Motley Fool's Top Stock for 2014." Just click here to access the report and find out the name of this under-the-radar company. Click here to add Rite Aid to My Watchlist, which can find all of our Foolish analysis on it and all your other stocks.
According to GuruFocus list of 52-week lows, these Guru stocks have reached their 52-week lows. International Business Machines Corp (IBM) Reached the 52-Week Low of $172.80 The prices of International Business Machines Corp (IBM) shares have declined to close to the 52-week low of $172.80, which is 20.1% off the 52-week high of $215.90. International Business Machines Corp is owned by 34 Gurus we are tracking. Among them, 15 have added to their positions during the past quarter. Thirteen reduced their positions. International Business Machines Corp was incorporated in the State of New York on June 16, 1911. International Business Machines Corp has a market cap of $187.64 billion; its shares were traded at around $172.80 with a P/E ratio of 12.00 and P/S ratio of 1.91. The dividend yield of International Business Machines Corp stocks is 2.14%. International Business Machines Corp had an annual average earnings growth of 11.90% over the past 10 years. GuruFocus rated International Business Machines Corp the business predictability rank of 5-star. IBM recently reported its third quarter 2013 financial results. The company announced diluted EPS of $3.68, up 11 percent. Net income was $4.0 billion, up 6 percent. David Dreman bought 12,380 shares in the quarter that ended on 09/30/2013, which is 0.21% of the $1.11 billion portfolio of Dreman Value Management. John Hussman bought 1,000 shares in the quarter that ended on 09/30/2013, which is 0.01% of the $1.82 billion portfolio of Hussman Economtrics Advisors. John Keeley bought 1,380 shares in the quarter that ended on 09/30/2013, which is 0.0047% of the $5.43 billion portfolio of Keeley Fund Management. Director David N. Farr bought 1,000 shares of IBM stock on 08/27/2013 at the average price of $182.8. David N. Farr owns at least 3,608 shares after this. The price of the stock has decrease! d by 5.47% since. AT&T Inc. (T) Reached the 52-Week Low of $33.85 The prices of AT&T Inc. (T) shares have declined to close to the 52-week low of $33.85, which is 16.0% off the 52-week high of $39.00. AT&T Inc. is owned by 16 Gurus we are tracking. Among them, five have added to their positions during the past quarter. Eleven reduced their positions. AT&T, formerly SBC Communications Inc., was incorporated under the laws of the State of Delaware in 1983. At&t Inc has a market cap of $178.32 billion; its shares were traded at around $33.85 with a P/E ratio of 23.90 and P/S ratio of 1.45. The dividend yield of At&t Inc stocks is 5.32%. At&t Inc had an annual average earnings growth of 1.50% over the past 10 years. AT&T recently reported its third quarter 2013 financial results. The company announced consolidated revenues of $32.2 billion, up 2.2 percent versus the year-earlier period. AT&T also reported more than 2 million new wireless and wireline high speed broadband connections. Mark Hillman bought 16,000 shares in the quarter that ended on 09/30/2013, which is 0.89% of the $65 million portfolio of Hillman Capital Management. Ken Fisher owns 133,015 shares as of 09/30/2013, a decrease of 97.92% of from the previous quarter. This position accounts for 0.011% of the $40.58 billion portfolio of Fisher Asset Management, LLC. Chris Davis sold out his holdings in the quarter that ended on 09/30/2013. Senior Executive VP and CFO John Joseph Stephens sold 18,175 shares of T stock on 11/01/2013 at the average price of $36.25. John Joseph Stephens owns at least 264,856 shares after this. The price of the stock has decreased by 6.62% since. Telekomunikasi Indonesia (TLK) Reached the 52-Week Low of $34.35 The prices of Telekomunikasi Indonesia (TLK) shares have declined to close to the 52-week low of $34.35, which is 33.3% off the 52-week high of $50.61. Telekomunikasi Indonesia is owned by five Gurus we are tracking. Among them, two have added to their po! sitions d! uring the past quarter. Two reduced their positions. PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk provides telecommunication services to the individual and home customers, companies, and institutions in Indonesia. Telekomunikasi Indonesia has a market cap of $83.39 billion; its shares were traded at around $34.35 with a P/E ratio of 19.20 and P/S ratio of 3.18. The dividend yield of Telekomunikasi Indonesia stocks is 3.76%. Telekomunikasi Indonesia had an annual average earnings growth of 0.30% over the past 10 years. Eli Lilly and Company (LLY) Reached the 52-Week Low of $49.39 The prices of Eli Lilly and Company (LLY) shares have declined to close to the 52-week low of $49.39, which is 18.6% off the 52-week high of $58.41. Eli Lilly and Company is owned by 20 Gurus we are tracking. Among them, 10 have added to their positions during the past quarter. Ten reduced their positions. Eli Lilly and Company was incorporated in 1901 in Indiana for the drug manufacturing business founded in Indianapolis, Indiana, in 1876. Eli Lilly And Company has a market cap of $55.65 billion; its shares were traded at around $49.39 with a P/E ratio of 11.30 and P/S ratio of 2.34. The dividend yield of Eli Lilly And Company stocks is 3.97%. Eli Lilly And Company had an annual average earnings growth of 7.50% over the past 10 years. Richard Pzena bought 433,250 shares in the quarter that ended on 09/30/2013, which is 0.14% of the $15.48 billion portfolio of Pzena Investment Management LLC. David Dreman bought 4,290 shares in the quarter that ended on 09/30/2013, which is 0.019% of the $1.11 billion portfolio of Dreman Value Management. Ray Dalio bought 19,039 shares in the quarter that ended on 09/30/2013, which is 0.0081% of the $11.87 billion portfolio of Bridgewater Associates. John Hussman owns 10,000 shares as of 09/30/2013, a decrease of 98.57% of from the previous quarter. This position accounts for 0.028% of the $1.82 billion portfolio of Hussman Economtrics Advisors. 09/30/2013. Senior VP a! nd Presid! ent, Lilly Diabetes Enrique A. Conterno sold 5,000 shares of LLY stock on 08/15/2013 at the average price of $53.79. Enrique A. Conterno owns at least 61,638 shares after this. The price of the stock has decreased by 8.18% since. SPDR Gold Trust (GLD) Reached the 52-Week Low of $119.38 The prices of SPDR Gold Trust (GLD) shares have declined to close to the 52-week low of $119.38, which is 33.7% off the 52-week high of $173.61. SPDR Gold Trust is owned by 12 Gurus we are tracking. Among them, two have added to their positions during the past quarter. Five reduced their positions. SPDR Gold Trust has a market cap of $54.32 billion; its shares were traded at around $119.38. Jean-Marie Eveillard owns 2,787,089 shares as of 09/30/2013, an increase of 13.01% from the previous quarter. This position accounts for 1% of the $34.43 billion portfolio of First Eagle Investment Management LLC. John Burbank owns 12,500 shares as of 09/30/2013, a decrease of 33.86% of from the previous quarter. This position accounts for 0.052% of the $3.09 billion portfolio of Passport Capital. John Hussman owns 5,000 shares as of 09/30/2013, a decrease of 87.5% of from the previous quarter. This position accounts for 0.035% of the $1.82 billion portfolio of Hussman Economtrics Advisors. Director Michael Romanik, bought 91,000 shares of GLD stock on 08/06/2013 at the average price of $0.03. Michael Romanik owns at least 657,600 shares after this. Also check out: John Hussman Undervalued Stocks John Hussman Top Growth Companies John Hussman High Yield stocks, and Stocks that John Hussman keeps buying David Dreman Undervalued Stocks David Dreman Top Growth Companies David Dreman High Yield stocks, and Stocks that David Dreman keeps buying Currently 2.00/512345 Rating: 2.0/5 (1 vote) |  Subscribe via Email  Subscribe RSS Comments Please leave your comment: More GuruFocus Links Latest Guru Picks | Value Strategies | Warren Buffett Portfolio | Ben Graham Net-Net | Real Time Picks | Buffett-Munger Screener | Aggregated Portfolio | Undervalued Predictable | ETFs, Options | Low P/S Companies | Insider Trends | 10-Year Financials | 52-Week Lows | Interactive Charts | Model Portfolios | DCF Calculator | RSS Feed  | Monthly Newsletters | The All-In-One Screener | Portfolio Tracking Tool | MORE GURUFOCUS LINKS Latest Guru Picks | Value Strategies | Warren Buffett Portfolio | Ben Graham Net-Net | Real Time Picks | Buffett-Munger Screener | Aggregated Portfolio | Undervalued Predictable | ETFs, Options | Low P/S Companies | Insider Trends | 10-Year Financials | 52-Week Lows | Interactive Charts | Model Portfolios | DCF Calculator | RSS Feed  | Monthly Newsletters | The All-In-One Screener | Portfolio Tracking Tool | IBM STOCK PRICE CHART  174.99 (1y: -10%) $(function() { var seriesOptions = [], yAxisOptions = [], name = 'IBM', display = ''; Highcharts.setOptions({ global: { useUTC: true } }); var d = new Date(); $current_day = d.getDay(); if ($current_day == 5 || $current_day == 0 || $current_day == 6){ day = 4; } else{ day = 7; } seriesOptions[0] = { id : name, animation:false, color: '#4572A7', lineWidth: 1, name : name.toUpperCase() + ' stock price', threshold : null, data : [[1355724000000,193.62],[1355810400000,195.69],[1355896800000,195.08],[1355983200000,194.77],[1356069600000,193.42],[1356328800000,192.4],[1356501600000,191.95],[1356588000000,192.71],[1356674400000,189.83],[1356933600000,191.55],[1357106400000,196.35],[1357192800000,195.27],[1357279200000,193.99],[1357538400000,193.14],[1357624800000,192.87],[1357711200000,192.32],[1357797600000,192.88],[1357884000000,194.45],[1358143200000,192.62],[1358229600000,192.5],[1358316000000,192.59],[1358402400000,193.65],[1358488800000,194.47],[1358834400000,196.08],[1358920800000,204.72],[1359007200000,204.42],[1359093600000,204.97],[1359352800000,204.93],[1359439200000,203.9],[1359525600000,203.52],[1359612000000,203.07],[1359698400000,205.18],[1359957600000,203.79],[1360044000000,202.79],[1360130400000,201.02],[1360216800000,199.74],[1360303200000,201.68],[1360562400000,200.16],[1360648800000,200.04],[1360735200000,200.09],[1360821600000,199.65],[1360908000000,200.98],[1361253600000,200.32],[1361340000000,199.31],[1361426400000,198.33],[1361512800000,201.09],[1361772000000,197.51],[1361858400000,199.14],[1361944800000,202.33],[1362031200000,200.83],[1362117600000,202.91],[1362376800000,205.19],[1362463200000,206.53],[1362549600000,208.38],[1362636000000,209.42],[1362722400000,210.38],[1362978000000,210.08],[1363064400000,210.55],[1363150800000,212.06],[1363237200000,215.8],[1363323600000,214.92],[1363582800000,213.21],[1363669200000,213.44],[1363755600000,215.06],[1363842000000,212.26],[1363928400000,212.08],[1364187600000,210.74],[1364274000000,212.36],[1364360400000,210.89],[1364446800000,213.3],[1364792400000,212.38],[1364878800000,214.36],[1364965200000,212.66],[1365051600000,211.31],[1365138000000,209.41],[1365397200000,209.32],[1365483600000,209.22],[1365570000000,212],[1365656400000,212.92],[1365742800000,211.38],[1366002000000,209.26],[1366088400000,212],[1366174800000,209.67],[1366261200000,207.15],[1366347600000,190],[1366606800000,187.83],[1366693200000,191.61],[1366779600000,191.71],[1366866000000,193.95],[! 1366952400000,194.31],[1367211600000,199.15],[1367298000000,202.54],[1367384400000,199.63],[1367470800000,202.39],[1367557200000,204.51],[1367816400000,202.78],[1367902800000,203.63],[1367989200000,204.82],[1368075600000,203.24],[1368162000000,204.47],[1368421200000,202.47],[1368507600000,203.21],[1368594000000,
Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc.’s shares rose in their trading debut, after the hotelier and some insiders sold more stock than initially planned in a $2.35 billion initial public offering. The shares were up 7.7% at $21.54 in midmorning trading Thursday, after opening at $21.30. Late Wednesday, Hilton and some existing holders agreed to sell 117.6 million shares for $20 each. Underwriters may sell more stock, increasing the deal size. The deal marks the world’s largest hotel IPO by proceeds, topping Hyatt Hotels Corp.'s(H) $1.1 billion debut in November 2009, according to Dealogic. Hilton’s debut caps a multi-year turnaround and marks a big paper profit for the company’s majority owner, private-equity firm Blackstone Group LP(BX). Blackstone acquired the company for about $25 billion in debt and equity in 2007, the height of the last decade’s real-estate and buyout boom. The buyout firm isn’t selling any stock in the offering. Recently, the hotel operator has benefited from rebounding room rates in its industry and a strategy of growing revenue and expanding its brand through franchising agreements, a less-costly approach than owning property outright. Hilton enjoyed healthy demand for its IPO during a marketing road show, pricing the deal a day ahead of schedule as bankers’ order books filled up quickly. As the deal was being priced Wednesday, Hilton opted to sell about 4% more stock than initially planned. The shares are listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol “HLT.” Deutsche Bank AG(DBK.XE) led the offering with Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Bank of American Merrill Lynch and Morgan Stanley. Elsewhere in the IPO market, food services company Aramark Holdings Corp. opened at $20.25 Thursday, up 1.3% from its $20 offer price. That was the low end of the range the company had expected, according to a regulatory filing. In midmorning trading, the shares were up 7.1%. The company and existing holders agreed to sell 36.3 million shares, raising $725 million. The Philadelphia company’s IPO is its third, following a series of buyouts in the last four decades, the latest by a group of private-equity firms including Warburg Pincus LLC and Thomas H. Lee Partners in 2007. Rising stock-market valuations have fueled a spate of IPOs this year, many of them by private equity-backed companies looking to harvest past years’ investments. Three other companies were set to begin trading Thursday morning following IPOs: TetraLogic Pharmaceuticals Corp., CatchMark Timber Trust Inc. and Kindred Biosciences Inc. Scorpio Bulkers Inc., a Monaco-based shipping company with shares listed on a Norwegian over-the-counter market, agreed to sell U.S. stock alongside an exchange offer for the existing shares-a transaction akin to an IPO.
 Popular Posts: 18 Oil and Gas Stocks to Sell Now7 Biotechnology Stocks to Buy Now4 Pharmaceutical Stocks to Buy Now Recent Posts: 24 Commercial Banking Stocks to Buy Now 7 Insurance Stocks to Buy Now 3 Commercial Services Stocks to Buy Now View All Posts This week, 24 commercial banking stocks are improving their overall rating on Portfolio Grader. Each of these rates an “A” (“strong buy”) or “B” overall (“buy”). Customers Bancorp, Inc.’s () grade is moving up to a B (“buy”) this week from last week’s C (“hold”). In Portfolio Grader’s specific subcategories of Cash Flow and Margin Growth, CUBI also gets A’s. Customers Bancorp operates as the bank holding company for the Customers Bank that provides various banking and financial products and services to small businesses, not-for-profits, and consumers. The stock price has risen 8.3% over the past month, better than the 1.3% decrease the Nasdaq has seen over the same period of time. . Pinnacle Financial Partners, Inc. () gets a higher grade this week, advancing from a C last week to a B. Pinnacle Financial Partners is a holding company for Pinnacle National Bank. . This week, Taylor Capital Group, Inc. () is showing good progress as the company’s rating jumps from a B (“buy”) last week to an A (“strong buy”). Taylor Capital Group is a bank holding company for Cole Taylor Bank. Investors seem to agree with the upgraded status of the stock and have pushed the stock up 7.1% over the past month. . BSB Bancorp, Inc. () is seeing ratings go up from a C last week to a B this week. BSB Bancorp operates as a bank holding company. . This week, BNC Bancorp’s () ratings are up from a C last week to a B. BNC Bancorp offers products and services to individuals and small- to medium-sized local businesses. Wall Street has pushed the stock higher by 13.5% over the past month. . The rating of Wells Fargo & Company () moves up this week, rising from a C to a B. Wells Fargo provides financial services in mainly wholesale banking, mortgage banking, consumer finance, equipment leasing, agricultural finance and commercial finance. . PacWest Bancorp () improves from a C to a B rating this week. PacWest Bancorp is the holding company for Pacific Western Bank. Investors have pushed the stock price up 7.9% over the past month. . U.S. Bancorp () boosts its rating from a C to a B this week. U.S. Bancorp provides banking and financial services. Wall Street seems to agree with the upgrade and has propelled the stock up 5.3% over the past month. . This is a strong week for Huntington Bancshares Incorporated (). The company’s rating climbs to B from the previous week’s C. Huntington Bancshares is a multi-state bank holding company. Investors have pushed the stock price up 5.6% over the past month. . Independent Bank Corp. () shows solid improvement this week. The company’s rating rises from a C to a B. Independent Bank is the holding company for Rockland Trust. . First Financial Bankshares, Inc. () earns a B this week, jumping up from last week’s grade of C. First Financial Bankshares is a multi-bank holding company. Wall Street seems to agree with the upgrade and has propelled the stock up 6.1% over the past month. . This week, Pacific Continental Corporation () pushes up from a B to an A rating. Pacific Continental Bank is a bank holding company that provides commercial banking, financing, and mortgage lending in parts of Washington state and Oregon. Wall Street has pushed the stock higher by 13.6% over the past month. . First Community Bancshares, Inc. () gets a higher grade this week, advancing from a C last week to a B. First Community Bancshares is the holding company for First Community Bank. . Bryn Mawr Bank Corporation’s () ratings are looking better this week, moving up to a B from last week’s C. Bryn Mawr Bank offers a full range of personal and business banking services. . Banco de Chile Sponsored ADR () earns a B this week, jumping up from last week’s grade of C. NonactiveBanco de Chile provides a wide customer base of individuals and corporations with general banking services. The stock’s dividend yield is 3.3%. . BOK Financial Corporation () shows solid improvement this week. The company’s rating rises from a C to a B. BOK Financial provides a range of financial services to commercial and industrial customers, other financial institutions, and consumers in the United States. . This week, Glacier Bancorp, Inc.’s () ratings are up from a C last week to a B. Glacier Bancorp is a regional multi-bank holding company providing commercial financial services to individuals and corporations. . The rating of Washington Trust Bancorp, Inc. () moves up this week, rising from a C to a B. Washington Trust offers a range of financial services to individuals and businesses, including wealth management. Investors seem to agree with the upgraded status of the stock and have pushed the stock up 6.7% over the past month. . First Connecticut Bancorp, Inc. () improves from a C to a B rating this week. First Connecticut Bancorp operates as the holding company for Farmington Bank that provides consumer and commercial banking services to businesses, individuals, and governments in central Connecticut. Investors have pushed the stock price up 7% over the past month. . First Financial Holdings, Inc. () boosts its rating from a B to an A this week. South Carolina Bank and Trust is a bank holding company that provides retail and commercial banking, mortgage lending, consumer finance loans, and trust and investment services. . Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce’s () ratings are looking better this week, moving up to a B from last week’s C. Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce is a global financial institution that serves clients through CIBC retail markets and wholesale banking. The current dividend yield is 3.6%. . This week, The Bank of Nova Scotia () pushes up from a C to a B rating. Bank of Nova Scotia offers various personal, commercial, corporate, and investment banking services in Canada and internationally. The stock has a dividend yield of 2.3%. . Old Line Bancshares, Inc. () gets a higher grade this week, advancing from a B last week to an A. Old Line Bancshares is a commercial bank operating offices in Waldorf and Prince George’s County, Maryland. . Central Valley Community Bancorp () is seeing ratings go up from a B last week to an A this week. Central Valley Community Bancorp provides financial services in its primary market area in California. . Louis Navellier’s proprietary Portfolio Grader stock ranking system assesses roughly 5,000 companies every week based on a number of fundamental and quantitative measures. Stocks are given a letter grade based on their results — with A being “strong buy,” and F being “strong sell.” Explore the tool here.
Facebook (NASDAQ: FB ) has drawn controversy ever since its initial public offering, and in the aftermath of its botched IPO, many investors swore they'd never own shares of the social-media giant. Yet thanks to the recent decision for S&P Dow Jones Indices to add Facebook to the S&P 500 (SNPINDEX: ^GSPC ) effective after the market closes on Dec. 20, any investor who owns an S&P index fund will find themselves having to deal with owning a proportional stake in the company. Almost two years ago, when Facebook first filed for its IPO, I made the not-very-challenging prediction that sooner or later, this day would come. In large part, it appears that everything has worked out much the way many foresaw -- albeit with some big road bumps along the way. Facebook's winding road to index stardom Ever since its IPO, Facebook was almost destined to become part of the S&P 500. Its IPO price implied an overall market capitalization of more than $90 billion, putting it well above the vast majority of existing S&P 500 stocks. Even at its worst post-IPO levels, Facebook remained a far larger market cap than most of its would-be peers in the index. Since then, several other indexes had been less hesitant to add Facebook to their ranks. Russell's indexes were among the first to include Facebook as a constituent, and as various lockup provisions expired to expand the stock's float, Russell responded earlier this year by boosting the social-media giant's weighting in several key indexes. The Nasdaq 100 brought on Facebook as a member a year ago, giving shareholders in PowerShares QQQ (NASDAQ: QQQ ) the same conundrum that S&P index fund investors face today. But S&P was reluctant to invite Facebook into the fold as quickly. The index has long had seasoning requirements, forcing companies to develop at least a short track record as a public company before gaining admission. Moreover, Facebook initially offered only a small portion of its overall shares, and S&P has traditionally avoided stocks with limited floats because of the liquidity needs of the institutional investors that track its indexes. The inevitable spike After S&P announced its move, Facebook shares soared 4% in after-hours trading as investors anticipated the need for index funds to buy the stock. That's another unfortunate example of the S&P's 500 record of timing, as index investors will now have to buy Facebook shares for more than $50 a piece when they could have spent less than half as much as recently as July. Regardless, investors shouldn't be too upset at the move. Of every $100 they have invested in an S&P 500 index fund, their Facebook investment will amount to just $0.75 or so. That said, for many, that'll be $0.75 more than they ever expected to have invested in the social-media company. Pick the best stocks you can find Facebook is growing, but is it your best stock pick? Motley Fool co-founder David Gardner, founder of the world's No. 1 growth-stock newsletter, has developed a unique strategy for uncovering truly wealth-changing stock picks. And he wants to share it, along with a few of his favorite growth-stock superstars, with you! It's a special 100% free report called "6 Picks for Ultimate Growth." So stop settling for index-hugging gains, and click here for instant access to a whole new game plan of stock picks to help power your portfolio.
James Bullard, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, opened up the possibility of a small reduction in the Fed's bond-buying program, another sign the central bank may soon shrink its 15-month-old monetary stimulus. Speaking at the CFA Society of St. Louis on Monday, Bullard said an improving job market could let the Fed slow down its program of buying $85 billion in long-term bonds every month. Employers have added more jobs than economists expected since the program was announced in September 2012, and the unemployment rate, now 7%, has fallen twice as fast as was then forecast, he said. The program stimulates the economy by keeping long-term interest rates low — letting homeowners and businesses refinance debt and fund new purchases more cheaply. When Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke first said in May that the central bank might slow bond buying, mortgage rates rose more than a percentage point, curtailing momentum in home sales. The Fed then decided in September not to "taper" immediately, a position that has softened after strong jobs reports for October and November. "Based on labor market data alone, the probability of a reduction in the pace of asset purchases has increased," Bullard said. Bullard's hints are consistent with other signs that the Fed is preparing to slow its purchases — if not at its Dec. 17-18 meeting, then early in 2014. Several top officials have made similar speeches, and Monday's remarks are likely to be the last before the central bank imposes its traditional pre-meeting news blackout. Richmond Federal Reserve Bank President Jeffrey Lacker and Dallas Fed President Richard Fisher also said they think the central bank will soon consider a taper. Unlike Bullard, neither has a vote this year on the rate-setting Federal Open Market Committee, or FOMC. "When the FOMC meets next week, I expect discussion about the possibility of reducing the pace of asset purchases,'' Lacker said in a speech to the Charlotte Chamber of Commerce. "The ! key issue, in my view, is the extent to which the benefits of further monetary stimulus are likely to outweigh the costs.'' Lacker, along with congressional critics, has argued in the past that the Fed's purchases raised risks of inflation, although the consumer price index has gained just 1% the past 12 months, half of the central bank's target 2% inflation rate. One reason the taper has continued has been Fed leaders' fear of inflation running too low. "There is no widely accepted reason why inflation is running as low as it is in the face of extraordinarily accommodative policy from the Fed," Bullard said. "Should inflation not (rise) toward target, the committee could pause tapering at subsequent meetings." The stock market did some tapering of its own on Monday after Bullard's speech. The Dow Jones Industrial Average was clinging to modest gains a half-hour before the closing bell. The Dow closed at 16,025.53, up 5.33, down about 33 points from its intraday high.
BALTIMORE (Stockpickr) -- The stocks the "smart money" loves right now just may surprise you. Professional investors have spent most of 2013 playing catch-up with the broad market indices. By and large, they were too slow to click "buy" when the rally kicked off last November, and they were too quick to hit "sell" when stocks temporarily corrected in June. As the S&P 500 hits its head on new all-time highs again this week, that's putting scores of fund managers in buy mode as we round the corner to August. And a handful of their favorite names may come as a surprise. After all, for an industry that's focused on consumer-driven blue chips for most of the year, any move to out-of-favor tickers says a lot about portfolio managers' priorities. So today, we'll take a closer look atfive of their favorite surprise stocks. To do that, we're focusing on 13F filings. Institutional investors with more than $100 million in assets are required to file a 13F -- a form that breaks down their stock positions for public consumption. From hedge funds to mutual funds to insurance companies, any professional investors who manage more than that $100 million watermark are required to file a 13F. Best Blue Chip Companies To Own For 2014: International Business Machines Corporation(IBM) International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) provides information technology (IT) products and services worldwide. Its Global Technology Services segment provides IT infrastructure and business process services, including strategic outsourcing, process, integrated technology, and maintenance services, as well as technology-based support services. The company?s Global Business Services segment offers consulting and systems integration, and application management services. Its Software segment offers middleware and operating systems software, such as WebSphere software to integrate and manage business processes; information management software for database and enterprise content management, information integration, data warehousing, business analytics and intelligence, performance management, and predictive analytics; Tivoli software for identity management, data security, storage management, and datacenter automation; Lotus software for collaboration, messaging, and so cial networking; rational software to support software development for IT and embedded systems; business intelligence software, which provides querying and forecasting tools; SPSS predictive analytics software to predict outcomes and act on that insight; and operating systems software. Its Systems and Technology segment provides computing and storage solutions, including servers, disk and tape storage systems and software, point-of-sale retail systems, and microelectronics. The company?s Global Financing segment provides lease and loan financing to end users and internal clients; commercial financing to dealers and remarketers of IT products; and remanufacturing and remarketing services. It serves financial services, public, industrial, distribution, communications, and general business sectors. The company was formerly known as Computing-Tabulating-Recording Co. and changed its name to International Business Machines Corporation in 1924. IBM was founded in 1910 and is based in Armonk, New York. Advisors' Opinion: - [By Matt Koppenheffer]
9. Conservative investment portfolio If there's one thing that people think of Warren Buffett as, it's a great investor. But he's also a very conservative investor -- particularly when it comes to Berkshire's portfolio. Berkshire's "big four" stocks --�Wells Fargo� (NYSE: WFC ) ,�Coca-Cola� (NYSE: KO ) ,�IBM� (NYSE: IBM ) , and�American Express�-- are all companies that we could see solid returns from in the years ahead. But, more importantly, they're all companies that we're�unlikely�to see drastic underperformance from.�
Best Blue Chip Companies To Own For 2014: McDonald's Corporation(MCD) McDonald?s Corporation, together with its subsidiaries, operates as a worldwide foodservice retailer. It franchises and operates McDonald?s restaurants that offer various food items, soft drinks, coffee, and other beverages. As of December 31, 2009, the company operated 32,478 restaurants in 117 countries, of which 26,216 were operated by franchisees; and 6,262 were operated by the company. McDonald?s Corporation was founded in 1948 and is based in Oak Brook, Illinois. Advisors' Opinion: - [By Chris Hill]
McDonald's (NYSE: MCD ) and UnderArmour (NYSE: UA ) report earnings on Friday. Will McDonald's continue its recent rebound? Is UnderArmour the next Nike? In this Installment of Investor Beat, our analysts explain why they're watching McDonald's and UnderArmour. - [By Tamara Rutter]
For comparison, the S&P 500 currently commands a price-to-earnings ratio of 19. The excessive run-up in Noodles & Company's stock coupled with the fact that it is new to the public market make it a far riskier bet than rival fast-casual stocks such as McDonald's (NYSE: MCD ) . Not only is Mickey D's a well-established company with a proven track record of positive earnings, but it's also a "blue chip," which is considered one of the best stock categories for new investors. Visa Inc., a payments technology company, engages in the operation of retail electronic payments network worldwide. It facilitates commerce through the transfer of value and information among financial institutions, merchants, consumers, businesses, and government entities. The company owns and operates VisaNet, a global processing platform that provides transaction processing services. It also offers a range of payments platforms, which enable credit, charge, deferred debit, debit, and prepaid payments, as well as cash access for consumers, businesses, and government entities. The company provides its payment platforms under the Visa, Visa Electron, PLUS, and Interlink brand names. In addition, it offers value-added services, including risk management, issuer processing, loyalty, dispute management, value-added information, and CyberSource-branded services. The company is headquartered in San Francisco, California. Advisors' Opinion: - [By Rupert Hargreaves]
Even so, thanks to its checkered past, many companies such as Visa� (NYSE: V ) �and�MasterCard� (NYSE: MA ) �have been late to the party.�However, astute companies, such as�Deutsche Bank� (NYSE: DB ) have been active in the market since the mid 1970s.
Best Blue Chip Companies To Own For 2014: Apple Inc.(AAPL) Apple Inc., together with subsidiaries, designs, manufactures, and markets personal computers, mobile communication and media devices, and portable digital music players, as well as sells related software, services, peripherals, networking solutions, and third-party digital content and applications worldwide. The company sells its products worldwide through its online stores, retail stores, direct sales force, third-party wholesalers, resellers, and value-added resellers. In addition, it sells third-party Mac, iPhone, iPad, and iPod compatible products, including application software, printers, storage devices, speakers, headphones, and other accessories and peripherals through its online and retail stores; and digital content and applications through the iTunes Store. The company sells its products to consumer, small and mid-sized business, education, enterprise, government, and creative markets. As of September 25, 2010, it had 317 retail stores, including 233 stores in the United States and 84 stores internationally. The company, formerly known as Apple Computer, Inc., was founded in 1976 and is headquartered in Cupertino, California. Advisors' Opinion: - [By Paul Ausick]
The Hudl is aimed at the low end of the U.K. market. At the high end lives Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL) and its iPad mini, with a starting price of 拢269 ($430). Tesco�� Hudl uses the Android operating system from Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG). - [By Shauna O'Brien]
On Wednesday, Morgan Stanley released reports suggesting an upside for the new Apple Inc. (AAPL) iPhones. Analyst Katy Huberty reported that demand for the new iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C has increased past expectations. The analyst now believes that Apple could sell up to 34.5 million units, compared to the 32 million unit estimate. Apple shares were up $5.42, or 1.19%, during pre-market trading Wednesday. The stock is down 14% YTD.
Best Blue Chip Companies To Own For 2014: Chevron Corporation(CVX) Chevron Corporation, through its subsidiaries, engages in petroleum, chemicals, mining, power generation, and energy operations worldwide. It operates in two segments, Upstream and Downstream. The Upstream segment involves in the exploration, development, and production of crude oil and natural gas; processing, liquefaction, transportation, and regasification associated with liquefied natural gas; transportation of crude oil through pipelines; and transportation, storage, and marketing of natural gas, as well as holds interest in a gas-to-liquids project. The Downstream segment engages in the refining of crude oil into petroleum products; marketing of crude oil and refined products primarily under the Chevron, Texaco, and Caltex brand names; transportation of crude oil and refined products by pipeline, marine vessel, motor equipment, and rail car; and manufacture and marketing of commodity petrochemicals, plastics for industrial uses, and fuel and lubricant additives. It a lso produces and markets coal and molybdenum; and holds interests in 13 power assets with a total operating capacity of approximately 3,100 megawatts, as well as involves in cash management and debt financing activities, insurance operations, real estate activities, energy services, and alternative fuels and technology business. Chevron Corporation has a joint venture agreement with China National Petroleum Corporation. The company was formerly known as ChevronTexaco Corp. and changed its name to Chevron Corporation in May 2005. Chevron Corporation was founded in 1879 and is based in San Ramon, California. Advisors' Opinion: - [By Matt DiLallo]
Compelling dividend Not only does ConocoPhillips offer steady growth, but the company pays a very generous dividend on its stock that's currently just below 4.4%. For perspective, it's a lot higher than Chevron's (NYSE: CVX ) 3% dividend. While Chevron is in the midst of a major production growth phase, both companies are likely to grow projection by 5%. That means, all things being equal, ConocoPhillips has the potential to outperform thanks to that higher dividend. - [By Dan Dzombak]
The Dow and S&P 500 markets were buoyed today by signs that the Federal Reserve will keep its low interest rates going longer than expected. Oil majors got a further bump up by the jump in U.S. oil prices, though Brent crude was down 0.44%, to $104.87, but still remains high. ExxonMobil rose 1.3%, to $93.22, Chevron� (NYSE: CVX ) rose 2.24%, to $121.11, and this year's�top-performing oil and gas stock, ConocoPhilips� (NYSE: COP ) , rose 1.85%, to $73.91. Oil majors will continue to do well as long as oil prices remain at the high levels we have seen the past few years. Predicting oil prices, though, is a fool's game (with a lowercase "F"). In the short term, anything can happen. - [By Matt Thalman]
Another top stock today was Chevron (NYSE: CVX ) , which saw its shares rise 1.09%. One likely catalyst for the rise was the recent Morgan Stanley report that claimed Chevron would outperform its fellow Dow component and competitor ExxonMobil (NYSE: XOM ) by 55% over the next few years. Morgan Stanley believes Chevron could experience higher production growth and realize better returns in the coming years. The firm also raised Chevron's price target to $135 per share, while reducing Exxon's to $85 per share. � - [By Alex Planes]
By 1928, Texaco was the first company to operate a unified sales network of one branded gasoline. Texaco developed modern service stations in 1937, with the familiar car wash, mechanic bays, sales office, restrooms, and large street-facing brand signs. In 1959, Texas Company officially changed its name to Texaco, which it retained until merging with Chevron (NYSE: CVX ) in 2001 to create one of the world's largest integrated oil companies, under the Chevron brand.
Best Blue Chip Companies To Own For 2014: Colgate-Palmolive Company(CL) Colgate-Palmolive Company, together with its subsidiaries, manufactures and markets consumer products worldwide. It offers oral care products, including toothpaste, toothbrushes, and mouth rinses, as well as dental floss and pharmaceutical products for dentists and other oral health professionals; personal care products, such as liquid hand soap, shower gels, bar soaps, deodorants, antiperspirants, shampoos, and conditioners; and home care products comprising laundry and dishwashing detergents, fabric conditioners, household cleaners, bleaches, dishwashing liquids, and oil soaps. The company offers its oral, personal, and home care products under the Colgate Total, Colgate Max Fresh, Colgate 360 Advisors' Opinion: - [By Eric Volkman]
It's one of the steadiest dividend payers on the market, and it's continuing to fly level. Colgate-Palmolive (NYSE: CL ) has declared a fresh quarterly common stock dividend, which is to be $0.34 per share, paid on August 15 to shareholders of record as of July 23. That amount matches the firm's previous distribution; this was paid in May. Prior to that, Colgate-Palmolive handed out $0.31 per share. - [By Demitrios Kalogeropoulos]
Colgate-Palmolive (NYSE: CL ) Colgate's shares are trading well below the $62 high they hit just last month. The consumer goods company is heavily levered to international sales, with more than 80% of its business coming from outside the U.S. and more than half coming from emerging markets. - [By Dividend Growth Investor]
In a previous article, I outlined that it is getting more difficult to find quality dividend paying stocks to buy. Most of the usual suspects like Kimberly-Clark (KMB) or Colgate-Palmolive (CL) are very overvalued today, which prevents me from adding to my positions there. Other companies like Chevron (CVX) are attractively valued today, but unfortunately my portfolio is overweight in them. Currently I find the oil sector to be cheap and have some of the lowest P/E ratios in the market. However, I would hate to be concentrated in one sector which is exposed to the fluctuating prices in its commodity products.
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