Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Designer Funds: 4 Fundamental Favorites

Nellie Huang, of Kiplinger's Personal Finance, explores the world of designer funds, which use a fundamental approach to try and outperform traditional index funds.

Steve Halpern: Joining us today is Nellie Huang of Kiplinger's Personal Finance magazine. How are you doing, Nellie?

Nellie Huang: I'm great. Thanks.

Steve Halpern: In the latest issue of Kiplinger's, you've written an article on a trend in exchange traded funds, known as designer funds. Could you explain to our listeners what designer funds are and how they differ from more traditional ETFs.

Nellie Huang: Sure thing. Traditional indexes take a group of stocks, whether it's the S&P 500, or all of the stocks that trade in the US market, and they weight the stocks by market value. Meaning the bigger companies get the top ranking in the fund, and the smaller companies are kind of at the bottom, so fundamental indexes, kind of, turned that around.

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They say, that's not good enough, because then larger companies are kind of driving the market, or the stocks that are doing well are driving the index up, and they take measures that are tied to a company's financial picture, so the healthiest companies get ranked at the top, the thinking goes.

Steve Halpern: Now, in your article you emphasized that there are potential downsides here. What risks and expenses should investors consider before buying these, so-called, designer funds?

Nellie Huang: I think the backdrop of this whole movement towards fundamental indexes is that people think that these indexes will outpace the traditional indexes, and some of the time, some of them do, and some of the time, some of them don't, and so, you have to accept the fact that you're investing in a pocket of the market, so it may not follow the market.

It's not always gong to outpace the market, but, over time, you may get a little bit more, "Oomph," and when I say over time, I mean over the long haul, ten years, so that's one thing. Understand that your horizon has to be long if you want to beat the traditional indexes. Another downside is that some of them might be more volatile, so there might be more bumps in the road along the way, than with a traditional index. Also, they're slightly more expensive, so the annual expense ratio that you're paying every year might be a tad higher than with a traditional index ETF.

Steve Halpern: What criteria did you look at in your article in order to decide which of these funds you thought were worth recommending?

Nellie Huang: Well, there's so many, right, and they all have different strategies, some more complicated than others, and I kind of veered towards the more simple strategies, because they were easy to understand, and you want to understand what you're buying at the end of the day, and I wanted strategies that had over a five-year period.

We had to stick to that five-year period, because not many of them have existed for longer than that period. I wanted them to outpace a traditional index that was similar to the strategy that I was looking at in the fundamental index.

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